Stephen Walli

Principal Program Manager

What do we mean by Open Governance

Government, Law & Policy
Wednesday February 8th, 5:00pm-5:30pm
Westminster, 4th Floor

stephen walli

What do we mean by Open Governance

What do we mean by Open Governance, and where are we going? We will look at current examples and expand upon those best practices in the Open Source, Academia, Nonprofit, and Standards world.


I am a principal program manager in the Azure Office of the CTO and adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University. I have worked with open source software in the product space for 30+ years. I have been a technical executive, a founder and consultant, a writer and author, a systems developer, a software construction geek, and a standards diplomat. I love to build teams, and products that make customers ecstatic. I have worked in the IT industry since 1980 as both customer and vendor. I was a Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. 

The development of the international software market remains an area of deep interest for me. I have had the privilege of working with software start-ups in Finland, Spain, and China.