Lauren Cadwallader

Open Research Manager

How do we measure success for Open Data in academia?

Open Data
Tuesday February 7th, 2:35pm-3:00pm GMT
St. James, 4th Floor
lauren cadwallder

How do we measure success for Open Data in academia?

This talk looks at a new initiative for measuring the uptake and characteristics of open science practices, including open data and code sharing within academic research. Open science has been touted as the future of research and can provide many benefits but without a way to measure these practices at scale it is hard to quantify adoption rates and identify areas for improvement. New data, released in December 2022, is discussed here as well as it’s potential to inform the academic community and effect change.


Dr Lauren Cadwallader is the Open Research Manager at the Public Library of Science (PLOS), a non-profit academic publisher. She works at the forefront of PLOS’ mission – to advance Open Science adoption to increasing accessibility, trust and collaboration around research that can solve pressing problems. Focusing on open data and open code practices, Lauren works with and learns from the communities that PLOS serves in order to facilitate open practices that are community led and impactful across regions. Prior to joining PLOS, Lauren was responsible for the open data repository at the University of Cambridge and has worked within the sphere of open academic research since 2014.