Author name: Elefteria Kokkinia

Jack Gilmore

Jack Gilmore Jack Gilmore is a full stack software developer with experience of working in the public sector and academia. He graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Computing Science and Spanish from the University of Stirling in 2019. As an advocate of free and open-source software, many of the projects he has worked on either […]

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Lesya Dymyd

Lesya Dymyd Lesya Dymyd, PhD is consultant at the Open Compute Project Foundation, where is in charge of innovation-related programs, projects and partnerships. She specializes in strategy, technology and innovation management and has extensive professional experience in tech industry and academia. She worked for a number of international organizations and in R&D and technological innovation

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Jon Laban

Jon Laban European Director, Open Compute Project Foundation Last decade as Data Centre Architect and mentor working from microscale to hyperscale facilities both nationally and internationally. Always keen to question the status quo and passionate about doing things faster and better in open source collaborative communities. Previous decades include traveller, metalurgist, pub owner and gardener

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Gaël Duval

Gaël Duval Gaël Duval is a software engineer and entrepreneur. He created the first desktop-based Linux distribution in 1998, Mandrake Linux (based on KDE), and more recently launched /e/OS, a fully deGoogled and pro-privacy mobile operating system for the masses.

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Astrid Wynne

Astrid Wynne Astrid is Head of Sustainability at Techbuyer. She chairs the Sustainability Special Interest Group at the Data Centre Alliance and is a board member of Free ICT Europe, a non-profit organisation that supports competitive practice by working with EU legislators. She has also co-written a number of academic papers on circular economy and

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Peter Farkas

Peter Farkas Co-Founder and CEO of FerretDB Peter is the Co-Founder and CEO of FerretDB, a company which develops an open source MongoDB-compatible database alternative, motivated by MongoDB’s departure from its open source roots. Peter started his own company when he was 15, and found open source in the process as the key ingredient of

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Ruth Cheesley

Ruth Cheesley Project Lead, Mautic Ruth is an Open Source advocate with over 18 years of experience using and contributing to many different projects. Having served on the Community Leadership Team of the Joomla! project and built a full-service digital agency, she now works as Project Lead for Mautic, supporting the community who build and

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Paula Kennedy

Paula Kennedy Paula is Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso; her previous roles include Senior Director of Tanzu Global Education at VMware, Senior Director of Platform Services EMEA at Pivotal and Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer of CloudCredo. Working in the IT industry for over 20 years, Paula is passionate about community, diversity and

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Joe Brockmeier

Joe Brockmeier Joe Brockmeier is head of community for Percona. He has been involved in open source and technology for more than 20 years. His background includes leadership and community facing roles at Intel, Red Hat, Citrix and SUSE. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and has been a contributor to numerous

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Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin CEO and Co-Founder Control Plane and OpenUK CISO Andrew has an incisive security engineering ethos gained building and destroying high-traffic web applications. Proficient in systems development, testing, and operations, he is at his happiest profiling and securing every tier of a cloud native system, and has battle-hardened experience delivering containerised solutions to enterprise

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