Anne Torreggiani
Chief Executive
The Audience Agency
Open data for life: the importance of data stewardship in the cultural sector
Open Data
Wednesday, February 8 • 1:35pm-2:00pm GMT
St James, 4th Floor

Chief Executive
The Audience Agency
Open Data
Wednesday, February 8 • 1:35pm-2:00pm GMT
St James, 4th Floor
Open data has expanded into all walks of life, from improving transport ecosystems to tackling the climate crisis around the world. In the cultural sector, open access to data published by and about the sector provides researchers, policymakers and the public with new data sets and insights from some of the most important institutions of our time.
This data has huge potential, and opening it up and combining it with open data about the institutions themselves can help to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society, and to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.
This session will explore the importance of data stewardship in the cultural sector, and discuss what’s coming next for the sector.
Anne is CEO of The Audience Agency, the UK charity for cultural participation and engagement. TAA is a specialist research organisation working with and for arts, museums and heritage organisations which campaigns for a more inclusive, people-centred approach informed and inspired by data. They pioneered a world-first data-aggregation and analytics service known as Audience Finder which brings together data from over 1,000 cultural organisations in the UK and is now being used in Germany and scoped in a number of other countries. Recently, they have established a the Cultural Participation Monitor, collecting data about the UK’s changing cultural habits and attitudes through the pandemic and beyond. Anne is an experienced facilitator and adviser on audience research, strategy and policy. She is also part-time co-director of the Centre for Cultural Value, a research centre based at the University of Leeds, and a trustee of Europeana, the major platform for aggregation of cultural collections data from across Europe.