Kris Bondi is a long-time advocate of communities, developer and otherwise. This is Kris’ second year as an advisor to the State of Open Con.
In past lives, Kris has served as a crisis communications consultant to government entities, global not-for-profits, and some of the largest (and smallest) companies in the world.
While she’s best known for making “serverless” a movement and a category, it’s her work as a pioneer in applying AI to real-world problems that drives Mimoto’s groundbreaking cybersecurity work.
Among her career highlights, for the Harrisburg Patriot she covered Nelson Mandela’s first speech in the United States.
Current work is focussing on the ongoing development of the Declaration for Responsible and Intelligent Data Practice, Automated Decision Making Engagement Principles and the development of data cooperatives to give people a bigger say in how their data is used.